Talent is over rated.
Most of the ways we refer to it and the credit we give it are wrong. I call it 'The Talent Myth'.
Also known as an all access pass to making excuses and permanent mediocrity.
Talent is over rated. And over celebrated. I used to love when someone said I was talented. Ah gosh... thank you... I mean, not really... but thank you.
Now, I couldn't think of a compliment I would want less. Why? It takes all the dedication, sacrifice, hard work and journey out of the equation. While well meaning, it reduces my well won skill to a fluke of birth or luck.
Oh, yeah she is so talented. Meh. Try, she worked her butt off and kept at it when others would have quit. Talent or your perceived lack of it, will only stop you if you allow it to.
If you do allow it to stop you, it means you have allowed your self esteem to excuse you from the journey of learning. You are choosing the Talent Myth as an excuse and a way out. People don't get coaches because they are nervous that the coach will see how little talent they have. They believed in 'the Talent Myth'.
They believed that talent was the main thing. The key indicator of their value. The best coaches don't look for talent. Talent most often reveals itself on the other side of hard work.
When hiring, look for skills. Not talent. A willingness to learn isn't a talent. It is a character trait. Turning up on time and doing what you say you are going to do are not a talent. Yet people who believe they are talented will often turn up late. Will rarely do that they say they will do...
The Talent Myth hurts in two ways.
- The person who looks on and credits another's success to talent.
This removes reality and warps perspective. It is very difficult to learn from someone if you are not seeing their journey correctly.
- The person who believes they are talented and doesn't learn to work.
They think the talent will carry them. And it may for a while. But they will be limited and surpassed by 'less talented' people if they believe the talent myth.
Sure, if you want to be a singer you need to know how to hold a tune.
But in most cases, we rob ourselves of the ability to succeed by believing 'The Talent Myth'.
So be encouraged. The mystical talent or your lack of, is not what will determine your success.
Stop overrating talent. Don't compliment it. Don't give it power it shouldn't have. Celebrate the individual wholeheartedly. Acknowledge the work and sacrifice.
Remind yourself that you have what it takes if you want the journey.
Then start the work!
Thanks for the inspiring read!